Alpine LXC container does not resolve IPv4 domains

April 12, 2023

How it started

LXC container running alpine linux cannot resolve ip address when running ping. On the other hand drill resolved ip succesfully but nslookup exits with error

** server can't find NXDOMAIN

There used to be an issue but it was resolved long time ago.

It turned out that my dns server that is hosted by mikrotik router had a bug that was resolved just recently :)

Used troubleshooting

  • nslookup
  • drill
  • touch /etc/.pve-ignore.resolv.conf to prevent proxmox from overriding file on boot up
  • cat /etc/pve/lxc/106.conf to review what are default options of container
  • hardcode dns in /etc/resolv.conf
  • set options ndots:1 in /etc/resolv.conf
  • tcpdump -v -i eth0 port 53 to check how domain is resolved
  • ping -4 pinged successfully
  • added AAAA DNS record on mikrotik which actually ressolved issue

In the end simple upgrade of router did the trick

